December 6, 2019

GEO stands in solidarity with Harvard Graduate Students Union – UAW, whose members have been on strike since December 3rd. Read our statement of support, then spread the word about their efforts: https://www.facebook.com/hgsuuaw/ 

Dear Harvard Administrators, 

We are writing to you as the representatives of over 1500 graduate student workers at the University of Illinois at Chicago to express full support for TFs represented by Harvard Graduate Students Union-UAW, who are on strike during the most pivotal time of the semester because you are refusing to agree to a fair contract for student workers. 

Earlier this year, our own union also went on an indefinite strike at UIC to win a fair contract. From that experience, we know the level of dedication and sacrifice required for Harvard student workers to withhold their labor and walk the picket lines until an agreement is reached, and we are in complete solidarity with them. 

We also know from the experience of our strike exactly how disruptive this must be for undergraduate education at Harvard. Every day that HGSU is striking, students are not receiving the caliber of education that they are paying for, because graduate student labor is vital to the functioning of the university. You have the ability to end this strike and bring TFs back to work. 

Like graduate student workers at UIC and other universities, Harvard TFs deserve living wages, affordable healthcare, and protections against discrimination and sexual harassment. The Title IX office at Harvard, as at UIC, has repeatedly failed to deliver real accountability, and a neutral, third-party grievance procedure is essential. 

Will you agree to a contract that guarantees basic rights and protections, or will you continue to protect abusers and refuse to invest adequately in student health and well-being? 

As graduate students, workers, teachers, researchers, and union activists, we call on you to immediately settle a fair and just contract with your TFs, who are our colleagues, allies, fellow scholars, and fellow workers. 


UIC GEO Steering Committee

 Erin O’Callaghan and Sagen Cocklin, Co-Presidents 

Siamack Hajimohamad, Outreach Chair

 Adam Pratt, Chief Steward 

Veronica Shepp, Organizing Chair 

Noah Glaser, Treasurer 

Jared O’Connor, Secretary 

Marco Rosaire Rossi, Grievance Chair 

Em Hall, Communications Chair