November 16, 2015
At last week’s membership meeting we voted to begin planning for a strike on campus if negotiations continue on the current course. We had a planning session last Saturday and have created a calendar full of events and activities for you to get active in!
Tonight Monday Nov. 16th is our Strike Planning Meeting. 5pm 815 W. Van Buren #203
Wednesday Nov. 18th will be the last contract negotiation session for the month. 12:00pm UH 650
We need as many Graduate Employees at the table as we can fit since we have gotten into the economic issues and received a full proposal from the administration.
Thursday Nov. 19th Stewards and Organizing Meeting 4pm 815 W. Van Buren #203
December 2nd we will host a Work In at University Hall. Come out and make your work visible while also getting an update on strike planning and contract negotiations.