November 20, 2013
November 20, 2013
Alderman Tom Tunney
44th Ward, City of Chicago
3223 N. Sheffield Ave
Chicago, IL, 60657
Chicago Zoning Board of Appeals
121 N LaSalle St #905
Chicago, IL 60602
Dear Alderman Tunney and the Chicago Zoning Board of Appeals:
We are writing this letter to express our support for the youth and homeless services located in your ward and the congregations that sponsor and/or house them. As members of the Graduate Employees Organization, we share the vision of a diverse, united North Side of Chicago where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.
We respect the efforts you have made, along with service providers, to encourage community dialogue and agreement. We want to support those efforts in any way possible.
At this point, we know that the issue of Broadway Youth Center’s use of space at Wellington UCC is at the forefront. Howard Brown Health Center and BYC have been community partners and provide a much needed service to young people struggling in our community and city. We value and support their work. Wellington UCC has been a pillar in the community for 103 years, and we support their right to meet their mission and values by housing BYC.
We want to assure you that many people in the community value these services and we encourage you to continue your strong support. Please feel free to contact us at 312-733-9641 or geo@uic-geo.net to discuss this further.
The Steering Committee of the UIC Graduate Employees Organization
cc: Chicago Zoning Board of Appeals
cc: Alderman Tom Tunney
cc: Howard Brown Health Center