October 21, 2011

GEO Resolution to Support “Occupy Chicago”

Whereas, the American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations, the national parent union to the Graduate Employees’ Organization officially endorsed the national “occupation” movement “Occupy Wall Street.”

Whereas, Occupy Chicago’s mission statement states, “Occupy Chicago is here to fight corporate abuse of American democracy in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.”

Whereas, Graduate Employees’ Organization represents Graduate Assistants who have their tuition waivers taxed at a rate between 30 to 36% while many of the largest corporations in this country pay no taxes at all.

Whereas, Occupy Chicago’s mission statement states, “Occupy Chicago reassures its members and the public that we are a social movement dedicated to nonviolent action.”

Whereas, the basic message behind Occupy Chicago is that the current political system only works for 1% of the population.

Whereas, the Graduate Employees’ Organization stands for a quality education for all not just those who can afford skyrocketing tuition and fees, including unregulated Tuition Differentials not covered by tuition waivers.

Whereas, the Graduate Employees’ Organization represents Teaching Assistants and Graduate Assistants and work with undergraduate students all who face unprecedented levels of student loan debt.

Therefore, be it resolved, that the Graduate Employees’ Organization endorses the Occupy Chicago campaign.

Resolved, Graduate Employees’ Organization will maintain a presence at the occupation site through the Steering Committee and information from the occupation will be disseminated through Graduate Employees’ Organization’s communications including, but not limited to website, social media.