November 11, 2011

Do you want to know more about how your concerns are being addressed as a graduate employee and how you can get involved in implementing change?

Join the GEO for a town hall meeting on Wednesday, November 16th at 5:00 p.m. in the GEO office (815 W. Van Buren, Suite 203) with the Student Trustee, Ken Thomas, centered around issues affecting graduate employees and how, working together, these concerns can be addressed!  As Student Trustee, Ken sits on the University of Illinois Board of Trustees which is in charge of major decision-making that affects all graduate employees and students in the U of I system.  Learn more about how Ken has worked with GEO in the past, and what issues you want GEO to take up in the future!  This is your union; come get involved and have your say.  Pizza will be provided.