Health Care

Does the University contribute to the cost of health care?

Yes. The university contributes the following for each Fall and Spring semester appointed if the assistant chooses to be covered by CampusCare:

Graduate employees are also eligible for vision and dental coverage – the costs of which are also paid by the university.

How do I show proof of student /employee status for CampusCare etc?

A copy of your CampusCare ID card can be printed from the website- Your notice of appointment is sufficient to access benefits if you are not yet entered into the system.

Can I add my partner/ children to CampusCare?

You can add your dependent child, spouse, or same sex partner to CampusCare during the enrollment period (see enrollment dates online). It is not possible to insure a partner of the opposite sex if you are not married. The university does not make any contributions to these premiums for grad employees.

For more information visit:

To Learn More About Your Dental and Vision Benefits: